Seedball – Bee Mix
A mix of native wildflowers that bees will just love!
- Birdsfoot trefoil, Foxglove, Red clover, Viper’s bugloss and Wild marjoram – all recommended as bee-friendly plants by the Bumblebee Conservation Trust – for more suggestions pop over to their website 🙂
- 20 balls per tin, 30 seeds per ball.
- Easy to use, simply scatter on top of soil in a garden bed or planter.
- Scatter in spring or autumn. Sprouts seen in 4-6 weeks.
- Now also includes a sprinkling of annuals Chamomile, Cornflower, Corn marigold, and Night-flowering catchfly,
Birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus)
A perennial with clusters of yellow/orange pea like leaves.
Height: 15-25cm
Flowers: May to October
Geeklet: Lotus corniculatus is such a sunny little thing, why not try it mixed into your summer baskets and patio pots?
Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea)
A tall biennial (flowering stem grows in the second year) with pink and purple flowers on spikes.
Height: 60-150cm
Flowers: June to September
Toxicity: Poisonous if eaten
Geeklet: Foxgloves are a really good ‘bridging plant’ as they bloom late May-June, a period when the bulbs have finished and the summer perennials are yet to be at their best!
Red clover (Trifolium pratense)
Perennial with trefoil leaves and pinky red flowers. Good weed suppressor.
Height: 10-45cm
Flowers: May to September
Geeklet: The trifolium can help to break up heavy soil over time, plus it adds nitrogen to the soil, meaning healthy plants all round!
Viper’s Bugloss (Echium vulgare)
A tall biennial (flowering stem grows in the second year) with incredibly blue flowers emerging from pink buds.
Height: 30-90cm
Flowers: June to September
Geeklet: If you’re looking to do something a little different with your echium, why not try growing a low blue hedge with it, or scatter it amongst paving slabs to soften the landscape and add a punch of colour.
Wild Marjoram (Origanum vulgare)
Aromatic perennial with dark purple buds and pinkish purple flowers.
Height: 30-60cm
Flowers: April to November
Geeklet: The Wild Marjoram is not only a wildflower, but can also double up as a pretty damn tasty pizza topping, along with your very best sweet tomatoes!
What is Seedball?
A ball made from seeds, clay, peat-free compost and chili powder.
Why use Seedball?
The ball prevents the seeds from being a tasty lunch for birds and insects, thereby increasing the chances of your flowers growing. Plus they’re super easy to use, no digging and no expert knowledge needed!
What’s in the tin?
There are 20 balls in each tin, and around 30 seeds per ball.
How do I grow Seedball?
Just throw onto soil or compost in a garden bed or planter. Your Seedball has everything it needs to grow and, once the ball becomes moist and the temperature is right, your seeds will germinate!
What area will my Seedball cover?
We would usually advise 20 seed balls per square metre, or 3-5 seed balls for a 35cm container.
All seed is responsibly sourced in the UK from Flora Locale accredited suppliers, we only ever use peat-free compost and our steel tins are manufactured in London (with the help of a solar farm on the factory roof).
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